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Monday 6 October 2014

Brunch at Avenue

This weekend we got together to celebrate Ollie's birthday with Saturday brunch at Avenue

We were sold by promises of eggs and bottomless Prosecco for £15 - what more could you want?

We perused the menu over our first glass of chilled Prosecco and all plumped for the two course for £20 option. Although I was tempted for a Mac and Cheese I went for the watermelon and goat's cheese salad, followed by eggs florentine - what else for brunch?

Our table was filled with fruit salads, waffles, eggs...

...and, er, burgers? Trust the boys...

I was quite disappointed with my eggs to be honest - the eggs themselves were great, but the hollandaise got a bit much after a while and the spinach was very wet and tasted a bit too earthy.

Needless to say...the bottomless Prosecco made up for it and before long we were chattering and jabbering away, laughing and joking while the bright airy restaurant around us filled with the sounds of hungry lunch-goers, chinking glasses and the sounds of the weekend!

After we'd finished eating they pretty much chucked us off our table, which was a shame, so we braved the rain and hot-footed it back to back Ollie a birthday Carrot Cake. The girls took to baking while the boys sprawled in front of the footie...after a couple of hours this beauty was presented!

Alice's face says it all....

I loved the atmosphere of Avenue - it's a lively, loud, bright and airy place to meet friends and catch up, but the food wasn't much to write home about....nice, but not amazing.

That Carrot Cake on the other hand.....ooof.

Happy Birthday Ol!