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Tuesday 20 November 2012

Chocolate Whisky Truffles

It's coming round to that time of year again, when it's just OK to gorge yourself on chocolate just because 'it's Christmas'!! Or that's what I keep telling myself...

Now I'm going to let you into a little secret... it's a book which my sister and I have basically used to survive over the years, teaching ourselves everything from how to fry an egg (yes, literally) to how to cook a roast for 20 people, and everything in between. From it was born my sister's famous lemon drizzle cake, and now...these chocolate whisky truffles. It's a true vintage gem (check out the well-worn cover!) and I'm sure we'll be fighting over who gets custody very soon!

I was idly flicking through looking for some Christmas-goodie inspiration and found this easy-peasy recipe for chocolate rum truffles. However, as with most recipes I find, I decided to mix-it up to suit what I fancied, and I have this bottle of Master of Malt 15 Years Old sherry matured whisky liqueur which has been crying out to be put in something sweet and delicious!

So, to start with I broke up my chocolate into a bowl, and melted it over a bowl of boiled water.

Once melted, I added the butter, icing sugar and a little more than 2 tablespoons of the whisky liqueur (well....if you're going to do it, do it properly!!).

Once it was all mixed together I had to add a bit more icing sugar because it was still a bit runny, then I left it to cool in the fridge because I'm impatient. Once cool I grabbed a teaspoon and got stuck in, rolling the mixture into little balls. Well, some were little and some weren't, to properly reflect the size of my gob when chocolate's on the cards. I also think it's very dull to try and make them all perfectly round and the same size - they're homemade, so make sure they look it! Then I rolled each ball in cocoa powder.

I then sprinkled some more cocoa on top and left them in the fridge again to harden.

If you're not a whisky fan use the rum recipe - or you could even use champagne instead!

Crack them out after a dinner party over the festive season, as a treat with coffee or even hand them round as canapés. Alternatively you could just make a huge batch for no reason whatsoever and scoff them all to yourself!! Not that that's what I'm going to do of course....Enjoy!!