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Saturday 15 December 2012

Christmas Things

I can't believe it's Christmas already - the last month has gone so quickly! In a flurry of buying Christmas presents, visiting friends and family and welcoming my sister home from university and I have been seriously neglecting the blog!  

I always think that this time of year is, while one of the busiest, one of the best to spend at home, surrounded by people and things you love. With that in mind here are so many things about this time of year that make me happy...

1. One tradition we have is to drive down a street near us aptly name 'Mount Pleasant' as all the houses go seriously mental with the's incredible.

2. Thousands of people flock to Norfolk from London during the summer - ironically it's at its most beautiful at 8am on a frosty December morning....

3. Beautiful wedges of oranges in the mulled wine...

4. Our Christmas tree, with the lights of the house opposite in the background. There's something about a Christmas tree which makes a room feel warm and cosy - I think we should have them up all year round!

5. We dug out these cute little characters from the loft - we have a full nativity scene which my sister and I used to put together in a wooden box using straw or sawdust when we were younger - sadly the box has gone by the wayside in recent years!

6. Every year once the tree goes up my Mum puts on the Christmas music, and without fail every year complains that 'this CD is rubbish' and buys a new one! Let's hope this one lives up to expectations...

7. With dark mornings and dark evenings it feels like we never see any natural light in December, but there's something so smile-inducing about a display of beautiful Christmas candles to come home to on a cold winter night!

What are your favourite things about this time of year?