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Sunday 5 May 2013

The Ultimate Summer Pudding

So we've had all of 4 consecutive sunny days, so it must be that summer is upon us, and who knows how long it's going to last? So in the spirit of embracing summer, and also as we decided to throw a little house-warming dinner party in the new flat I made the mother of all summer puddings: the noble pavlova.

Most people baulk at the thought of making a pavlova because 'so much can go wrong' but really it's all about sticking rigorously to the recipe, and to the quantities, and it's easy!

I promise...

You will need:

3 eggs
175g caster sugar
1 teaspoon of cornflour
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 teaspoon of vinegar
300ml double cream

1. To separate your egg yolks from the whites gently crack the egg and concentrate on transferring the yolk from one side of the egg to the next, letting the white fall out into a bowl underneath.
2. Once you have your whites, whisk them (using an electric whisk otherwise you'll be there forever!) until they're stiff - this means that when you pull the whisky out, the whites 'stand up' by themselves.
3. Whisk in the sugar one third at a time, whisking well in between each addition, until the mixture is stiff and very shiny. To check it's stiff enough try tipping it over your head - if you're brave enough!!
4. Very gently, fold in the cornflour, vanilla and vinegar.
5. Now spread the mixture onto a baking sheet covered in greaseproof paper, making sure there's a substantial hollow in the middle.
6. Bake at 130 degrees in the oven for an hour, then check the colour (without opening the door of the oven!) and bake for a little longer (15 mins) until just before it browns. To check it's ready it should be dry, but slightly springy to the touch of a light finger.

7. Leave to cool before peeling off the greaseproof paper: at this point your meringue is very fragile - so handle with care! Don't worry if it cracks slightly as it cools - this is how it is supposed to be!
8. Whip the cream until thick and decorate as you wish! I used raspberries, blackberries and blueberries, and sprinkled with sugar and drizzled with single cream to serve...but that's just me!
9. Enjoy in the sun, with friends, or all to yourself!!!