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Monday 20 May 2013

Post Bingo Brunch

This weekend we played bingo. But this wasn't just any bingo, this was Rebel Bingo: a surreal bingo-clubbing-burlesque show hybrid which involved a lot of red pen...everywhere.

If you haven't heard of Rebel Bingo before you can read about it more here. Basically you gather in a venue playing great music, have a drink, have a dance and if you can stay focussed: play bingo for an array of random and frankly unnecessary prizes which you don't realise you want until you see them (think glittery umbrellas and a giant stuffed panda).

It's loud, it's a little bit crazy, and it's a helluva lotta fun!

However after a great night we woke up feeling a little worse for wear, covered in a lot of red pen and in need of one thing, and one thing only...brunch.

Of all the places to cure a hangover The Breakfast Club is the ultimate...

Think big portions, pulled pork for breakfast, eggs any incredible way you can imagine, and a whole lotta satisfaction right there on the plate. We went to the one in Angel and sat outside, luckily we got there at about half eleven and didn't have to queue...but it was already pretty long well before we were served our much-needed cups of coffee.

We went for a range of options directly in line with how fragile we felt. From the classic fry-up (with poached eggs...well, because)... 

To scrambled eggs and smoked salmon...

To my personal favourite Heuvos Al Benny (avocado, peppers, chorizo, poached eggs, hollandaise, and freshly chopped chilli - if that doesn't sort you out, nothing will!!)...

And a more unusual breakfast choice: Boston beans with pulled pork and a fried egg.

All washed down with lashings of coffee.

Sat outside in the sun we almost felt normal by midday and spent the rest of the day perusing the Upper Street shops before heading back to watch films and relax...a perfect post bingo brunch!

By the way....The Breakfast Club is also in Hoxton, Soho & Spitalfields with more to come, and they're open all day, serving burritos and the most incredible burgers!! Check them out for dinner, and if you go to the Soho one, it's BYOB!