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Wednesday 26 December 2012

Christmas in Norfolk

Christmas day, for me, as I'm sure it is for everyone, is simply about relaxing with my family, and eating a helluva lot of good food. It always starts with breakfast of smoked salmon, poached eggs, ham and caviar on  brown bread, and a glass of bucks fizz to get us in the mood.

Following swiftly by present opening...which always ends in happy smiles! Jade got some Sony headphones which we lost her to for most of the day!

My favourite part of Christmas dinner...pigs in blankets! We always make too many, smothered in honey and cooked in the oven, they last for a good few days after and make a tasty snack!

Roasted chestnuts to tie us over between breakfast and a late lunch.

On Boxing day we went off into the country for a long walk to the pub, it took an hour to get there, and we said hello to the sheep and played pooh-sticks on the way.

We were welcomed by a warm fire and a jolly atmosphere.

Jade wears a coat from Barbour and Mummy L's is vintage.

My coat is from Asos.
Unfortunately the camera doesn't show us walking the rain....for an hour!!!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and Boxing day. We're off to Prague for New Year so watch this space for a blog post or two in 2013!