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Friday 9 January 2015

Life After Detox

So I said I'd tell you how I feel now I've finished the detox and am back on normal foods. The first morning I woke up with hunger pangs already, but I didn't want to run to the kitchen and scoff down loads of solid foods, because I was worried about how my body would react.

Instead I had a smoothie with yoghurt, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries when I got to work. For lunch I had my first real 'food' - a Pho Chicken Noodle soup. One of the main things I missed when juicing was hot food, and savoury food, as most of the juices were fairly sweet.

The chicken and the spices went down and storm; I felt like I'd never tasted flavour like it! However straight after eating I did feel tired; I suppose this is to be expected as my body had not had to break anything down particularly for 3 days.

After work we went for a swim as we both felt really energetic, but couldn't work out to our usual intensity so took it fairly easy.

For dinner we roasted some chicken thighs and vegetables in the oven, and made courgetti with pesto sauce to accompany it. 

Today I felt really great - it's a lovely feeling knowing that the only things in your body are healthy, and I feel inclined to keep that up. I feel like I will definitely be able to sustain more of my exercise and health resolutions for longer now!

Lunch was a salad and for dinner we went out. I had one small glass of wine and a soy salmon skewer with chicory, avocado, pomegranate, quinoa and tomato salad.

Overall I would definitely recommend a juice detox - but I wouldn't do it for longer than 3 days if you still need to maintain a busy work life. The hardest things were not so much the hunger, but the fact that the programme I did didn't have much variety of different juices, that we couldn't have any hot food, and that when I was at work I had to constantly see other people eating around me.

I feel virtuous, and proud of my willpower. I also feel slimmer, less sluggish and generally more lively and energetic!

Now let's get going with 2015!