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Tuesday 6 January 2015

3 Day Juice Detox: Day 2

Day 2 of the juice detox and I woke up feeling awful! I felt like I had the flu; a runny nose, sore throat, aches and pains. However, Ian woke up feeling marvellous, so I thought perhaps I might actually just have a cold, rather than this being juicing side effects. So I rallied and got on with the day.

This morning's breakfast was a lot more promising than yesterday's (more fruity):

Day 2 Programme

On waking: Hot water with lime and cucumber
1 handful of blueberries, 1 handful of blackberries, half a small pineapple, 200g of low fat live yoghurt, ice.
Lunch: 2 golden delicious apples, 1 slice of lemon, 1 inch slice of cucmber, 1 stick of celery, 1 piece of fresh ginger, ice.
Linner (between lunch and dinner): 1 inch slice of raw beetroot, half a golden delicious apple, 1 inch slice of pineapple, 1 slice of lemon, mixed after juicing with three quarters of a litre of mineral water.
Dinner: 3 golden delicious apples, 1 handful of spinach, 1 inch raw beetroot, 1 inch slice of cucumber, small amount of parsley, half a ripe avocado, ice - NOTE: I mixed this up from last night as it was just so awful. So I removed the beetroot and the parsley and added lime and ginger instead.

After initially feeling sorry for myself, and remaining snuffly throughout the day, my aches and pains soon subsided and I began to feel pretty normal. I still got the usual hunger pains, but nothing worse than yesterday. 

This evening I had much more energy than I usually have, and felt very chirpy, despite not having eaten for 2 days now! 

However, we have both suffered from bad breath, and both felt very cold all day though, which is due to the toxins which have been stirred up by the body cleansing itself, and your digestive system slowing down it's activity. I am also thinking constantly about what food I would like to eat!! One day to go....